Complete skin checkup and therapy for newborn, children, adults, dermatoscopy, therapy of nail, scalp and mucosa diseases, microbiological skin testing, skin biopsy with histological examination, removal of benign and malignant skin lesions, allergodermatoses.
Availability of same day appointments
We provide STI consulting, diagnostic and therapy.
Availability of same day appointments
Research | Price (lv.) | |
1. | Dermatological checkup | 60 |
2. | Venereological checkup | 60 |
3. | Microbiology skin testing | 30 leva or depending on laboratory prices |
4. | Vaginal discharge testing | 30 leva or depending on laboratory prices |
5. | Urethra discharge testing | 30 leva or depending on laboratory prices |
6. | Video Dermatoscopy | 50 for 3 lesions, 80 for over 3 lesions |
7. | Skin papillomas/warts TCA 33% treatment | 40 |
8. | Skin papillomas/warts CryoPen treatment | 50 |
9. | Punch biopsy of skin lesion | 100 |
10. | Nevus excision with histology examination | 300 |
11. | Epidermal cyst excision with histology examination | 250 |
12. | Skin sutures | 30 |
13. | Documents based consultation | 30 |
14. | Surgery wound treatment | 30 |
15. | Secondary dermatology check-up | 40 |
16. | FotoFinder Skin mapping | 350 |
17. | Secondary FotoFinder check-up | 150 |